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Glossary/Remote Interview

Remote Interview

A remote interview, also known as a virtual interview or online interview, is a job interview that happens over digital media, which can be in the form of a video conferencing software, telephone calls, or web-based platforms. Remote Interviews give employers an opportunity to judge applicants' competencies, skills and a match for a job, irrelevant whether that job is remote or geographically scattered, and during times of remote working or social distancing rules.

Example of Remote Interview

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of telework, a software development company is now using remote interviews as part of its recruitment process to carry on hiring new talent as well as looking after the health and safety of candidates and staff. While scheduling a remote interview, the company provides candidates with guidelines for joining a virtual interview which include meeting technology requirements and meeting logistical details.

In the course of a remote interview, the hiring manager and the interview panel evaluate the candidate's technical skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, and fit with the company's culture by means of set questions, technical tests and behavioral analysis. The interviewers employ video conferencing apps to hold the interviews, where they get to see and talk to the candidate simultaneously but they are not there physically.

Once the interview session is over, the hiring team meets to talk about the candidate's strengths, weaknesses, and suitability of the role. They may add other rounds of interviews or assessments as necessary to conduct a thorough evaluation of the candidate's competency and make a wise hiring decision.

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