Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Sourcing Channel Effectiveness

Sourcing Channel Effectiveness

Sourcing channel efficiency means that appropriate channels are used that are efficient and effective when recruiting qualified candidates for job vacancies. Recruitment channels can include online job boards, social media platforms, employee referrals, recruitment agencies, career fairs, and direct sourcing methods.

Example of Sourcing Channel Effectiveness

To hire an employee for a software development job, the company employs various sourcing channels to target suitable candidates. They will list the job opening on several job boards which include industry-specific sites and general purpose platforms such as LinkedIn and Indeed. Besides, the company posts the vacancy on its official social media channels to ask employees to share it with their networks.

When applications begin to come in, the company monitors the success of each sourcing channel by studying metrics such as the number of applications received, the quality of candidates, and the cost per hire. They realize that though job boards attract a lot of applicants, the level of competence at times is questionable and the cost per hire is high. In contrast, employee referrals constantly provide high-caliber candidates aligned with the company culture, and the cost per hire is drastically more affordable.

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