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Glossary/Halo Effect

Halo Effect

What Is The Halo Effect?

The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias that affects how we see a person's qualities and behaviors. This bias might cause us to overestimate someone's talents based on one favorable trait or conduct. If someone is handsome, we may presume they are smart or friendly even without proof.

This occurs in interpersonal interactions, job interviews, and marketing. In partnerships, people may ignore their partner's defects and attribute other beneficial aspects to them. In job interviews, an interviewer may hire a charismatic applicant despite their skill or experience gaps.

Companies may leverage the Halo Effect to sell their goods by linking them with positive traits or celebrities. Even if their goods have nothing to do with such attributes, they want to generate a favorable impression by associating their brand with them.

Understanding the Halo Effect helps you judge individuals objectively and avoid making hasty conclusions. Critical thinking and carefully assessing people and events help reduce this prejudice.

Example of The Halo Effect

The Halo Effect occurs in job interviews. Imagine a candidate with a strong CV and confidence walking into an interview. The candidate's charm and polish impress the interviewer. Based on their first impression, the interviewer unconsciously attributes intellect, competence, and dependability to the applicant as the interview proceeds.

The Halo Effect may cause interviewers to overlook mediocre or shallow replies. Although not the most qualified or acceptable applicant, the individual is more likely to obtain a positive appraisal and be given the job. This example shows how the Halo Effect may bias decision-making by focusing on superficial traits rather than objective criteria.

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