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Glossary/Boomerang Employee

Boomerang Employee

A Boomerang Employee is an ex-employee who comes back to the same organization after a while outside, either having worked elsewhere or being out of the workforce. Boomerang employees often return to their previous employers for a variety of reasons including seeking new professional advancement, finding a better job-life balance, or rejoining a company that they truly appreciate. Employers may engage boomerang employees by actively pursuing them and implementing strategies to maintain constructive relationships with former employees and create an inviting or friendly culture for returning talent.

Example of Boomerang Employee:

Let's say a marketing manager is leaving their current position at a company to pursue a better opportunity at a new organization. Soon, the marketing manager realizes how much they miss the office culture, colleagues, and growing opportunities that they had at their former organization. They consider contacting their ex-employer to make inquiries about available positions and to express their desire to return to the organization. The employer cherishes the marketing manager's talent and knows the value of his skills and experience, and therefore welcomes them back, taking advantage of their knowledge of the company and the industry. Boomerang employees may generate fresh ideas, useful knowledge, and an in-depth comprehension of the corporate culture and values that prove helpful to the previous organization.

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