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Glossary/Job Bidding

Job Bidding

What is Job Bidding?

Job bidding is a process followed within organizations during which job avalanche is notified to employees internally and externally. It constitutes a way for employees to communicate their desire to move to a new job available in another department of the company and provide them with a chance for career advancement or professional development.

Job bidding is mutually beneficial to employees and employers as it promotes staff mobility, improves employee commitment and performance, and ensures company life continuity. It does not only let companies use the knowledge, skills, and experience of existing staff while minimizing the expenditure and time involved in preparing a recruitment process from outside the company. A bid for work builds an atmosphere of opportunity and growth.


Take the development of the job application for a big company as an example. Emily is an assistant in the finance department who has served the company for a long time. Finding a job announcement for the vacancy of junior financial analyst in yet another division of the organization, Emily decides to try it and apply for this position.

Emily glances through the specified job duties and duties provided in the posting and confirms that her data analysis and financial reporting skills match the role. She makes her application, adding the experience and success to her resume that meets job requirements it has been sent via the internal job website of the company.

As the application deadline ends, Emily's qualifications are compared to those of existing internal candidates who have also applied for the same role. Due to her outstanding performance during the interviews and the assessment stage, Emily landed the freshly created junior financial analyst position. This allowed her to break into a new part of the company and climb up the career ladder while simultaneously using her internal knowledge about the company's process and culture.

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