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Glossary/Job Classification

Job Classification

What is Job Classification?

Companies use the method called "job classification" to put jobs into groups based on how similar they are in terms of tasks, responsibilities, skills, and other factors. Job categorization helps organizations organize and manage roles for workforce planning, recruiting, remuneration, and performance management.

Each position in the company is examined and classified during job categorization. This includes job titles, pay ranges, and organizational hierarchy levels that are usually assigned during this categorization.

Job categorization systems vary by organization size, sector, and demands. Job classification methods include job analysis, which gathers information about job duties, qualifications, and requirements, and job evaluation, which evaluates the value of different jobs in the organization based on skills, complexity, and responsibility.

After classifying occupations, firms can create job descriptions, wage structures, and internal equality and consistency in remuneration and benefits across related positions. Organizational career advancement, training, and succession planning are also based on job categorization.

Job categorization is crucial to human resource management, helping firms organize and manage their personnel to meet strategic and operational goals.

Example of Job Classification

Large healthcare organizations like hospitals classify jobs. Hospital workers include administrative and medical specialists. Using healthcare staffing software, job categorization divides various roles by duties, qualifications, and authority.

Job categorization may classify occupations as "Nursing Staff," "Administrative Staff," "Medical Technicians," and "Physicians." Each category may include subcategories like "Registered Nurses," "Medical Assistants," and "Laboratory Technicians."

Qualifications, tasks, and compensation ranges were set for each job classification category and subclass. Medical assistants may need certification and training, whereas registered nurses need a degree and license.

Job categorization organizes hospital jobs for optimal human resource management. It ensures that workers are paid for their skills and responsibilities. Job categorization also clarifies career growth and role requirements for workers.

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