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Glossary/Job Sharing

Job Sharing

What is Job Sharing?

Job sharing involves two or more employees who split the responsibilities and work hours of a full-time job between them. Usually, each employee is assigned to specific days or hours for which they should accomplish all the roles' duties. This setup allows employees to juggle work, personal obligations, and interests. This could include splitting a job that will enable caregiving or deciding to go on further education. Job sharing could help companies achieve their full potential and retain talented professionals who may need flexible timetables. Efficient communication and coordination between job-sharing partners constitute key elements of smooth workflow and successful results. Determining what each person will do and assigning responsibilities is critical in preserving efficiency and unity within the shared role.


For instance, two senior nurses at the hospital may find it convenient to share the duties of a full-time nursing position and split the work. One nurse likes working in the day, while the other prefers to work at night. They take turns so that they work at least one or two days in a row to make sure that the weekly schedule is not interrupted.

Let's say Nurse A is on duty Monday to Wednesday and is on the day shift, whereas Nurse B covers Thursday to Sunday on the night shift. This organization allows the two nurses to balance their work and private lives, as Nurse A can spend time with family in the evenings and weekends. At the same time, Nurse B can visit medical check-ups during the afternoon or pursue personal interests.

Through job sharing, the hospital will be able to keep two competent nurses who, without a doubt, would have preferred part-time or flexible work elsewhere. It guarantees continuity of patient care while attending to the individual needs of the nurses.

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