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Glossary/Recruitment Life Cycle

Recruitment Life Cycle

What Is The Recruitment Life Cycle?

The recruitment life cycle of the organization is a mandated system that covers the identification, attraction, and hiring of people who are fit for the vacant positions. It commences with identifying a vacant position and listing down specific duties entailed in that role, including objectives, responsibilities, and expectations will be written. In addition, recruiters use different channels such as job platforms, social media, and referrals, to handpick the most qualified candidates.

The screening and selection processes include resumes screening, job interview administration, and determination of the best candidates' suitability together with their fit for the position and the company's culture. In most cases, the interview session will consist of a series of stages to build a comprehensive understanding of candidates' competency and view for the future. When a qualified potential employee is found, they’re offered a position, and a contract for the job details, including salary and benefits, is put forward.

Next comes the Onboarding section, which welcomes the new hire, walking them through the necessary training and orientation to put them on the right path toward their role. A constant and regular assessment and review process is compulsory to see if it is working efficiently and make improvements when necessary. When the process is handled well, and each phase of the recruitment spectrum is taken in stride, organizations can also develop a competitive edge in attracting and keeping the best employees and their professional well-being.

Example Of Recruitment Life Cycle

Consider a software business adding staff for a new project. Hiring a software developer requires numerous processes. The corporation creates a detailed job description to hire more people that lists the technical abilities, experience, and duties needed.

Next, the organization recruits via job boards, professional networks, and employee recommendations. We thoroughly evaluate resumes for software development skills and expertise.

Candidates who pass the first screening are interviewed for technical and cultural fit. These interviews test applicants' problem-solving and coding skills and determine if they fit the company's culture.

After finding a good match, the employer negotiates compensation, benefits, and start date. Onboarding includes orientation, access to tools and resources, and team introductions after acceptance of the offer.

To evaluate the recruiting process and make changes for future recruits, hiring managers, interviewers, and applicants provide input throughout the process. The software development firm may employ a skilled software engineer who helps the project succeed and the company expand by completing the recruiting lifecycle.

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