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"Resignation" is a term that implies the voluntary act of an employee notifying their employer about their decision to quit their job and leave their current position. Resignation can be attributed to different causes including career advancement opportunities, personal reasons, relocation, employees’ dissatisfaction with job condition or organizational culture, retirement, and following other interests. Normally, an employee gives notice of their resignation which allows enough time for the employer to rearrange their duties and make the necessary arrangements for the employee to leave.

Example of Resignation

The marketing agency employee accepts a job offer from a competing company with more career prospects and better compensation packages, and subsequently resign from their current position. The employee hands in a formal resignation letter to the immediate supervisor, expressing the gratitude for acquiring the knowledge and experience during the tenure with the organization while adding two weeks' notice about the decision of leaving the company.

Through the letter, the employee outlines their reasons behind the resignation that focus on career development, professional growth, and work-life balance. The employee offers to do the pending projects, document work processes, and train the replacement, if any, to facilitate a seamless transfer of duties.

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