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Glossary/Rotational Training

Rotational Training

In this method of training known as rotational training or job rotation/cross-training, organizations deliberately expose employees to various roles, functions, departments, or projects within the organization. The aim of rotational training is to widen employees' skill sets, knowledge and experience, make them more flexible and versatile, and position them for future leadership roles or specialized ones in the organization. In line with typical rotational training programs, employees would be rotating for a specified time period through different assignments or job positions which could lead to a deeper understanding of business processes and organizational functioning.

Example of Rotational Training

An international corporation implements a rotation training model for recent graduates who are hired into their management trainee program. In the course of the training, participants complete a succession of rotational assignments in different departments and functional areas including such as marketing, finance, operations, and human resources.

During the course of the rotation program trainees move through different departments working on various projects, tasks and initiatives under the supervision of mentors and supervisors who have ample experience, for about a few months in each of the departments. One example is where a management trainee starts their rotation in the marketing department, where they assist with market research, campaign planning, and customer engagement activities. During the next rotation, they move to the finance department where they deal with budgeting, financial analysis and reporting processes.

During the rotational training process, trainees receive the necessary feedback, coaching, and performance evaluation from their supervisors and mentors to support the learning and development progress. At the same time, they are able to interact with teammates, forge ties outside of their respective departments, and learn more about their organization's culture, values, and strategic goals.

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