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Glossary/Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity training, also known as diversity training, inclusivity training, or cultural competence training, is a learning and development program aimed at enhancing the knowledge, understanding, feelings, and attitudes of employees concerning issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and sensitivity in the workplace. The sensitivity training objective is to eliminate unconscious biases, stereotypes, discrimination, harassment, and micro-aggressions that might come from race, sex, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and other protected characteristics.

Example of Sensitivity Training

Through a multinational corporation, sensitivity training seminars are organized by its employees to foster a culture of respect, empathy and inclusivity in the workplace. The sensitivity training curriculum includes topics like unconscious bias awareness, cultural competency, respectful communication, conflict resolution, and bystander intervention.

With sensitivity training, employees take part in active activities, discussions, case studies and role plays to look into diversity, equity and inclusivity related topics. They are taught how stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination can be detrimental to individuals and groups and explore strategies for promoting diversity and creating a more welcoming workplace.

For instance, employees role-play through scenarios that simulate challenging situations when dealing with diversity and inclusion, such as responding to inappropriate comments or behaviors, accommodating diversity.

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