Skima AI candidate matching.
Glossary/Talent Mapping

Talent Mapping

Talent Mapping (TM) is a strategic process applied by companies to evaluate, assess and analyze the skill sets, competence and potential of the employees working in the current and prospective organizations and the wider job market as well. Filling information about a specific person or group of individuals possessing a high level of competence or knowledge is described as a talent mapping, which in turn involves mapping career paths of such people and analyzing their suitability for vital roles or important organizational initiatives.

Example of Talent Mapping (TM)

The organization ABC is undertaking talent mapping for knowing the current workforce capabilities and deficit in talent, which can be required for support to long-term objectives of the company. The company HR division does in-depth appraisal of every employee's knowledge and skills, career goals, and future job prospects, defining the career paths and niche talents of highest potential employees.

In addition, Company ABC scrutinizes external data sources such as rivals, peers in the same industry, or promising markets where the finest talent can be found who match our competence and requirements to fill vacant posts or support strategic activities. This map tools helps companies to assess the changing talent conditions, trends, scarce staff and chances that they can develop different approaches in order to keep top talents in their organisations for attaining organizational success.

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