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Glossary/National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is a free federal agency in the US responsible for maintaining and determining the fairness involved in collective bargaining rights and rights to form unions and associations. Europeally by the National Labor Relations Act enacted in 1935 and established the NLRB. The NLRB conducts union elections, investigates unfair labor practices of unions and employers and adjudicates disputes between employers and unions. Firstly, its role is to protect workers’ right to organize collectively, known as concerted activities, to improve job conditions and enhance employee equity. A central responsibility of the NLRB is to help with the interpretation and execution of labor laws to keep the labor-employer relationship on a level playing field.

Example Of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

In the case of 2021, NLRB ruled that the employer retaliated against the workers who were trying to unionize. A number of employees had been terminated as they were engaged in organizing recruitment processes at their office. Following a probe, the NLRB found that the workers' accusations were substantive and ordered the company to cognize the sacked workers with back compensation. Besides that, in their turn, the NLRB required the employer to stick a notice that they overturned the labor laws and acknowledged the employee's right to form organizations without fear of retaliation.

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