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Glossary/One-Time Payments

One-Time Payments

One-time payments, including bonuses and commissions, are financial and irregular additions to an employee’s regular paycheck. They are given to an employee for exceptional performance or for fulfilling a specific goal. In contrast to the ordinary deductions, made periodically from an employee's pay, the one-time deductions are occasional subtractions, usually for extraordinary cases like settling a once-off loan or buying some sort of exclusive equipment. For example, a sales employee may receive a one-time bonus for outstanding sales performance in a given quarter and a one-time deduction when a company uniform is bought. Managing the once-off transactions competently is achieved through proper documentation, clear communication with employees, and obtaining an accurate accounting practice. Properly implementing one-time payments and deductions with the employees allows organizations to maintain financial transparency, show value to the employees, and adhere to the relevant regulations.


Employees at the end of a project that had been completed were taken care of with a one-time bonus to be acknowledged. Based on this project, they now receive a bonus distributed separately from their usual paychecks. This encourages them to maintain their productive work standards. At the same time, employees had to make a one-time deduction because of the company's safety gear purchase policy that is mandatory. With these reductions, employers met the requirements of work safety standards and offered their employees the required level of care. Through intelligent handling of one-time payments and deductions, the company showed that it appreciates workers while aiming for employee welfare and compliance with the laws. This, in turn, improves the work environment, makes it safer, and maintains high employee morale.

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